Health, Wellbeing & Lifestyle is an independent TV show which educates and inspires the community around the hot topics of health, wellbeing and quality lifestyle and promoting the services of small businesses in those sectors.

What our guests say about our show.

Thanks Linda it was a wonderful experience and I truly hope I have inspired and helps many people. You and Costa do a fabulous job. Pauline Rooney

Thanks Costa, I have had people contact me for advice and even people in shops saying they recognised me from TV. Well done to you and your team. Pauline Healy

Thank you Costa Athanassiou and the team at ‘Health well-being and Lifestyle’ for including me in your series, looking forward to more… xoxo. Lia Estate

When it comes to video creations and producing shows either for tv or corporate work Costa has the ability and creativity for masterpiece. He’s passion shows at the tv shows that he produces. He’s professional approach and guidance makes it so easy to work with Costa. I personally highly recommend him for any production that you require. Con Nichols

A huge thank you to Costa Athanassiou for the great work with the TV interviews.
Since they have all aired I have been stopped in the street by people thanking me for the work I do with business in the disability sector, others have thanked me for sharing about neurodiversity, they feel heard and understood, some people have asked me to help them explain neurodiversity to their managers.
It is amazing what having exposure for your business can do.
Thank you for the opportunity. Jacqui Grant

Please support our sponsors that made Health, Wellbeing & Lifestyle TV show possible.

A list of our episodes and guests as they appear.

Please click on the “Episode No” to watch the video

Click on our guests’ name to go to their webpage

Episode 1 season 20

Michèle Wolff – How toxins in the environment affect our digestive and nervous systems

Anthony Kilner When people talk about the astral travel what does that mean?

Daniella D’Amore – Improve your balance life through spiritual growth

Episode 2 season 20

Anthony KilnerSpiritual inside and healing through psychic and mediums

Dr. Sue Williams – Can Hypnotherapy really boost athletes and everyone’s performance and general wellbeing?

Heather Belle Murphy – The secrets of long lasting love

Episode 3 season 20

Caroline Pope – The art of animal communication

Christine Heart Savage – Developing emotional intelligence

Dr. Sue Williams – What Happens in Your Brain Under Hypnosis? Unveiling the Science!

Episode 4 season 20

Beatriz Goyoaga – The secrets of breath to improve your health

Caroline Pope – Animal communication – Overcoming barriers

Michèle Wolff – How food affects our digestive and nervous systems’ health